Strengthening Your Terrain

More and more, we are seeing information on Terrain vs Germ Theory - the idea of nourishing the body and keeping it healthy vs killing germs that attack it. This also expands into other aspects of being- our minds, emotions and soul fulfillment, as all these areas need nourishment. Do you feed your mind positive or negative “food”?

Today's most common health model is based on the germ theory, focused on killing things - primarily germs and rogue cells. Germs thrive in toxic environments that are out of balance. In fact, they are opportunistic and come in to help restore balance, they way mushrooms and other fungi in the forest digest the rotten plant material.

Another way to approach health is to focus on strengthening your own system, body, mind and soul. Then there is little place for germs to grow. Do not underestimate this simplistic approach! Balance is an art that interests few because it is not exciting, unless you feel really bad already, in which case anything different and healing holds the promise of relief.

There are many ways to strengthen the body. One is to work with your inherent constitution or general makeup to strengthen and balance what you have. This involves first knowing your constitution, and then knowing what aggravates and what supports it. This goes for all aspects of ourselves.

For instance, if we know loud noise bothers us more than most people, we can make sure we spend the majority of our time in a peaceful environment so that our nervous system stays calm. Being a DJ or a machine operator is not the best career choice for us ;)

Balancing Your Constitution There are many systems out there for analyzing your constitution. The Ayurvedic model based in timeless wisdom is an excellent framework, with 3 main types: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. One can take a simple assessment to analyze their constitution and quickly get a rough idea of which type or types they embody, usually more than one type.

If you'd like to learn more about your Ayurvedic type, you can take my FREE mini-class with a basic Constitution Assessment and resources.

Then the next step is finding out what foods and lifestyle habits are most balancing and strengthening.

The task is further complicated when one is already out of balance, then corrections need to be made. It is helpful to work with a skilled practitioner to discover the best route to restore health, you can Schedule to work with Me.

In our work together, we can take into account the proper water, food, time in nature, sunlight, EMFs/radiation exposure, stress level, meditation, breathing, exercise, recreation/play, positive thinking, all tailored to your individual constitution.

I am offering a discount to new clients, $50 off an Initial Consult!

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Your Ayurvedic Constitution